sneak peek: deadly squire

our son benjamin was born in september. he has had an impact on our home. first, my painting studio was sacrificed to become his bedroom. then came all of the STUFF. it has been increasingly difficult to have an orderly and designed home (even with a svan highchair, and ouef and hable in his room) with a rambunctious little boy. we do have plastic things- such as the "excersaucer" which he loves and is genius as it allows me to cook dinner but is hideous so is excluded from these photos.
benji's room is yellow and is my favorite room in the house - it is simple and so cheerful with lots of morning light... which makes getting up at 7am much easier. the artwork in ben's room is by friends amanda barr (her log is pictured above) and poul lange. and some of mine too.
our house is also heavily influenced by josef frank. i grew up with his patterns around me - my mother is swedish and is on a first-name basis with the folks at svenskt tenn... and i love his work as much as she does. he is a major source of inspiration for all deadly squire patterns- "feasting at the berry bush" is our tribute to him. you can see his textiles in pillows around the house and in the wall-hanging above our bed, and his candle stick holders encourage me to burn through boxes and boxes of candles from ikea.
the painting at my bedside (pictured below) is by another friend, julia von eichel... a local brooklyn artist. the photo above is of my parents on their wedding day. our dog, rerun, lies on our bed (she likes to be in photos and tends to follow the camera around).
the armchairs in the living room are covered in our "groundskeeper's cameos" which has been great because it hides stains very well. we have our DSQ office downstairs along with most of tim's records and, of course, his beloved video games (see new wee on shelf). artwork by another brooklyn RISD artist, melissa brown. band posters by the guys at fort thunder. as much as i love simple, clean, and neutral homes - they seem so peaceful - i can't seem to help having a home filled with vibrant color and lots of stuff.
Labels: interior design, sneak peek
what is the name of the j. frank pattern above the bed? I don't see it on the svenskt site but love it! thanks.
oh anna! your house is as awesome as you are!
i love how warm and personal your home's style is. i especially enjoyed the ebullience of the patterned pinks and yellows and blues (source for cameo print?)! thanks for sharing.
Does Amanda Barr have a Web site? I'm really liking that log pillow...
It's so weird to see the home of Les Savy Fav's frontman. Fantastic!
the josef frank pattern is called "brazil"
amanda doesn't have a website but branch gallery in NC rep's her... if you want to contact her directly, e-mail me at dsq and i can give you her e-mail
Vibrant is right!! It is radiant and glows bright and *beautiful*... truly lovely!
I love your arm chairs....Beautiful!
our son was born in sept and he too loves the exersaucer. we love to feed him in it.... power to the exersaucer......
where did that round hamper come from, and where can mama get one???
the hamper is from hable construction
the cameo pattern is annas!
so it turns out the talented miss amanda barr has gotten her website together - she assures me the "contact" button will be functioning tomorrow. check out:
hi anna and tim!
i spot a Daus Garnett photo! so funny...
this may be a ridiculous question, but how did you turn the Josef Frank pattern into a wall hanging? Did you buy the fabric and staple it to a wood frame?
thanks, Kate
yes- we bought the fabric and stretched it like you would a canvas (you can get the wood frame in any dimensions you like at an art store).
Really Charming.....I wish to tuch and see alive..
How you manage it ?
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