i'm still feeling my way around at HG and trying to figure out what features work for people and which ones just aren't clicking. so far people seem to enjoy the
under $100 and
things we love product roundups each week, but i thought it would be fun to add a new column i've wanted to do for a while. each week i answer at least 50 or 60 emails from people who need detailed (and i mean detailed) design advice. whether it's sourcing affordable furniture for the house, deciding what color to paint the exterior, how high to hang a mirror or figuring out how to create a DIY mural in the bathroom, i'm working with people all day to solve various design-related problems. so i thought it would be fun to open these up and create a special place for design advice in my trends section on HG. along with a few other editors at the magazine, i'll be looking at photos submitted by readers and answering their questions as often as possible (i'd love to do one a week). so, if you have a decorating dilemma you'd like to share and get some answers for, just
click here to upload a photo of your issue and send it to me at HG. just be sure to right "For D*S" in the description section if you'd like me to answer your question. you'll see your home on the website and get a detailed answer based on your specific concerns (budget concerns, green design, child-safe, etc).

also, i couldn't resist sharing some beautiful ceramics from kiki ceramics in london. the full post is right here (with extra photos) if you're interested in checking out her work.
Labels: ceramics
Very nice, so you're an interior designer then?
nope. but one thing i know i do well is style rooms and homes. i've been helping people design their rooms and homes for over three years now and i haven't heard any complaints yet. ;)
if anyone would like advice from someone with a formal degree i believe we have a few of them on staff at HG. if you specify that in the request i'll see if i can get it to them.
I love this idea - if once a week were possible, that would be great. The shelter magazines sites don't seem to change often enough for me to hit them very often (maybe they don't care as I already subscribe.) Domino seems to do a great job of updating something daily. Your site does as well, but I can access that without going through HG - which I love, btw. Now, about my kitchen stools....
i really wonder how you can drink with these cups :)
those cups are very reminiscent of Tony Marsh's perforated vessel series
I would like to have both to serve some somerfruits in them.
My guests will go woooooow!
These cups are like the more commercial version of Australian potter Prue Venables vessels- she shows at Gallery Besson in London.
Hi, I am kiki the maker of those cups, just to let you know that perhaps perforated vessels isn't a new thing and as I am reading above, people have point out other makers who have perforated work in the portfolio or people like Prue Venables who's making amazing ceramics. Her ideas come from kitchenware so as mine, but everyone is making things differently just simply because everyone is different.
What I am trying to do with my work is to put my own signature on it, exactly like any other artist.
To be connected with the work of another artist is not an insult. Many people have thought of fantastic ideas all at the same time and interpreted them in their own ways. Perforated tableware is an interesting idea and there is room enough in that concept for everyone.
Thank you Shannon, nicely put!
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