i was reading
jezebel this morning and noticed some really beautiful artwork to the left hand side of their homepage. at the bottom of the image it read "
gawker artists". immediately i thought "oh lord, i wonder how much i charge them for
that" and it turns out- it's free! apparently gawker now runs a program that uses remnant ad space to showcase artists at their descretion. it's sort of a mixed bag in term of quality but i enjoyed the work of
hilary lorenz enough to spend the past 20 minutes looking through her
website. you can
click here to browse gawker's artist list and
here if you'd like to submit your work for possible inclusion. [images above by hilary lorenz and
renee nault]
Labels: artwork
Gawker's been doing this for over a year. Very cool.
Grace, Thanks so much for the heads up about Gawker! I'm scurrying on over. :)
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