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ok, this is equal parts hysterical and disgusting. i can't remember where i found this, but i just HAD to post it. it's called the petapotty and it basically can be placed anywhere and a fresh patch of sod is placed in it so your pet can use the "potty" inside. here's the thing, you still have to empty it by pulling out this tray contraption that i find disgusting. but something about a little portable patch of grass is cute. not so sure about the function- i mean, just let the dog outside, right? but if you have to have a portable petapotty, here ya go. d*s jury is still out on this one...click here for josh rubin's mixed thoughts on the petapotty- he actually has dogs (unlike me) so i think he knows best. what do you guys think?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found you thru Brownstoner.com from his post today. Good luck with the apt search! Have you tried just on the other side of the BQE in Columbia Heights? It's a walk to the train but it's doable and the B61 runs every 10 min. My sis got a 2BR last summer from a broker on Union between Columbia and that street closer to the water for $1500.

Ok, but I really had to comment on the petapotty. It's hilarious! But somehow way more attractive than those awful pads. I might just have to try it...

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous. cute. but ridiculous. honestly, take your dog outside.
your site is wonderful btw. my girlfriend won't shut up about it and i stopped by, and now i understand.

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a dog owner who lives on the thirteenth floor of a highrise, the pet-a-potty has been an absolute lifesafer. I keep mine outside on the terrace; I agree, keeping it indoors would be rather nasty.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say, as an apartment dweller, this is a great thing. My little dog doesn't use it as a bathroom--she never took to it that way (lucky me!), but she loves to lounge on it, roll on it, sleep on it, etc. on the balcony--it's her own little lawn. Granted, if I'd known I wouldn't need the tray, I may have just made my own sod-in-a-box version Home Depot-style.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would be a great item for indoor cats as well. They can stretch out on their very own lawn and feel like a part of nature.

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, there is a plethora of products out there like the pet-a-potty. For example, check out www.patiopark.com, which claims to have the ORIGINAL such product. I like the fire hydrant...

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be disgusting, however it serves a great purpose for dogs that are allergic to grass. You can order synthetic grass for the petapotty.

2:21 PM  

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