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sip sip


i love ito en teas. not only because they're delicious and sugar-free, but because their package design is fantastic. it's simple, colorful and, to me, evokes the kind of serenity that their tea hopes to help create. all in all, it's a great overall package. so i highly suggest grabbing yourself an ito en tea (the green jasmin is my favorite) and checking out the packaging. i've turned it into my weekly water bottle as well because it's so cute. check out ito en's full line here.

editor's note: just found out the design was done by michael mcdevitt . so, congrats go to michael and his fabulous design.

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Blogger blackbird said...

I am completely devoted to this tea -- fabulous clean taste. No calories to speak of -- lovely looking.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the aiga design archives, under packaging.


5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I saw this bottle many times here in france,
in japanese groceries.
it seems it's a classic ice tea bottle design in japan.
the bottle form is widely used already.
they gave it the right looks though.

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog (via my boyfriend via Gizmodo) and I love it :)

Anyway, I used to live in Japan and I was really suprized to see that ito en's identity in the states is a lot different from in Japan. Their plain green tea is available EVERYWHERE and it's the low cost no frills type of tea. The NYC is a much hipper version, naturally. I'll have to seek it out next time I'm in your neck of the woods.

2:36 PM  

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