please help if you can

displaced designer is an amazing group trying to reach out and help the design professionals that have been hurt by hurrican katrina. by hoping to connect displaced designers with studio space, desks, phone and internet services, this group is really lending a helping hand to those left with nothing but their talents and a need for work. here is a better idea what what the group is doing (from the website):
"a resource for those in the creative industry recently displaced by the on-going situation in new orleans and the surrounding region… there are a lot of displaced individuals out there who've recently lost a great deal. many of us watching the tragedy unfold have asked ourselves, "what can we do?" people have responded by offering shelter, a space in their homes. many of the displaced–creative people like us–will have to start from scratch. we wish to help by offering these people a space from which to earn a living, to re-establish self-sufficience... to get back on their feet. with this in mind, we have started this resource - a place where displaced individuals can be matched with those of us with some extra studio/office space, a desk (or table), a computer/phone/internet connection, or a handful of square feet from which they can start to work and continue to earn a living."i think this is a FANTASTIC idea, so if you need help, can offer help, or just want more information, please contact displaced designer right here. thanks.
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