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tsé & tsé


ac and i are planning a trip to paris and amsterdam this spring and top among my list of studios to visit is the dynamic duo of tsé & tsé. run by catherine and sigolene of paris, this studio produces some of the most elegant and creative accessories for the home. their designs, especially their gorgeous tableware, are distinctly french and wonderfully unique- each piece has something slightly "wobbly" about it- whether it's a slightly uneven rim, undulating form or subtely slanting shape- but it's absolutely perfect that way. each piece is like a tiny jewel that's begging to be added to your collection and who am i to fight it. until i head to paris, i'll have to stock up at stores like illico design, fitzsu, takashimaya, the conran shop and clio home that sell their goods. but you can also browse their entire collection right here. be warned, their site has lots of animation and clicks and beeps- click on the light to get the main menu. enjoy!






Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ohmigod - We're also going to Paris & Amsterdam this spring (as well as Brugge and Germany)!

Would love it if you could post a list of design inspirations worth checking out at threse detinations - stores, exhibits, etc.

I've recently started to appreciate Dutch/ Scandinavian looks (and am a new home-owner) so would love to make the best of my time there!

Many thanks,

11:28 AM  
Blogger haus maus said...

Yeah, Grace! You will not return from Paris the same woman, there's no way to put into words how truly giving of a city it really is. You get SO much out of being there. You'll also return feeling like you warped backwards in design when you step back into America. They're so much more ahead of us in Europe, at least, in my opinion. When we return from Germany, I always sit here waiting for designers there to hit U.S. soil - the average time is about 1-3 years!

BTW - Try to get on the list to attend a fashion show, a MUST SEE event when in Paris.


1:27 PM  
Blogger Aude said...

I discovered your blog a few weeks ago now and became a d*s fan!!
I live in Paris and I love Tsé & Tsé associées stuff (their igloo de nuit, réveil ventriloque are among my little treasures). I guess you'll pay a visit to Sentou where their design is sold, with other wonderful things... Anyway, just to say,there are wonderful little stores in Paris that I am sure you'll love.
En attendant Paris, je souhaite plein de bonnes choses à d*s!!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! I adore Tse & Tse! I have a few of their works, but I'm wondering where in the U.S.
I can buy their garland lights? Or if their test tube vases are still available anywhere? I've
searched all of the websights you mentioned, but I can never find these items...

I can't wait to read your report when you return...Catherine and Sigolene seem to be
really interesting characters...Have fun!

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can find the Tsé & Tsé tube vases at www.QuelObjet.com

3:14 PM  

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