d*s diversion: foodies
if there's anything i love as much as (or more than) design, it's food. lately i've been consuming chef's books like there's no tomorrow (i have a particular fondness for anthony bourdain) and reading food blogs like they're going out of style (chocolate and zucchini is my dream blog). but if we're talking about food, there's one type of food i love among all others: fish. i could eat fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner (i even love fish designs for the home- maybe fish can become the new birds?). tuna will always be my favorite, along with salmon, monkfish and cod. i loved peeking in the window of fishes in amsterdam and it got me thinking about some great summer food blogs. if you need a little design diversion check out: chocolate and zucchini, afullbelly, slashfood, accidental hedonist and gastronome. do you guys have a favorite food blog you love to check? everyone can use a good summer recipe or two...
Labels: miscellaneous
I love DavidLebovitz.com. He's very clever, lives in Paris, and includes wonderful recipes.
Never would have guessed you for being a fish person. Have you ever had any freshwater fish? Such as Walleye, Pike, Bluegill, Crappie, Catfish, or Bass. I do a lot of fishing. :)
pike and bass. mmmm...mmm.
(i used to be a vegan so the fact that i just wrote mmm..mmm after pike and bass kind of creeps me out. it's so hard to kick that feeling. but i guess i'm glad i still have it because i try to keep living things out of my diet as much as possible)
Not to be a downer, but as recently reported, growth of sushi bars 'driving tuna to extinction'.
So if you like fish, use this guide.
my sister has a food blog goldilocks finds manhattan which I love and I can personally vouch for all the dishes being simple and delicious!
I love this Montreal foodie blog: http://endlessbanquet.blogspot.com
great recipes and good writing!
i like the blog wellfed - just tried a dish from there the other night for a dinner party and it was a success.
ooh, well fed is awesome! thanks for the link, it makes me want to go to william sonoma and invest in all sorts of fun cooking equipment.
i love www.thefoodpalate.com the author has great photos, creative recipes and little stories about life
my favorites are 101 cookbooks, chubby hubby, lobstersquad (great illustrations), the traveler's lunchbox, and megnut (for food related news)...and many more
i read way too many food blogs
I love Anthony Bourdain - the guy rocks!
I also love reading Jeffrey Steingarten in US Vogue
my favourite food blog is a local sydney girl
Try Cookingforengineers.com. It's a fun way to put together recipes, and the BBQ rib recipe is so simple and delish!
i love megnut's insightful and informative posts as well! other favorite blogs from my ever-growing list are chez pim, the amateur gourmet, delicious days, orangette, and of course the aforementioned chocolate and zucchini!
My favorite is thefoodwhore.com. Also, shewhoeats.blogspot.com is usually interesting.
Choclate and Zucchini is my all time favorite, too!
So, is it tacky to plug my own blog?
It's relatively new, and incorporates both food and design for kitchen and tabletop with a modern twist. I always have pretty, inspiring pictures. Let me know what you think!
Gotta second the comment on being a mindful seafood consumer. Check out seafoodwatch.org for info on what fish you should eat and what fish need us to give them a break so they can rebuild their populations and survive.
There are some very ethical fishers out there. You can choose to support the folks who are doing the right thing or those who are not. I'm sure that if you love fish, you don't want to be responsible for driving them from the planet...
You should try fresh tilapia
derek loves Ideas in Food and Chez Pim the most, i think. and sometimes i read Blue Bottle Coffee's blog just because everyone there is insane.
www.deliciousdays.com is a fabulous food blog from Munich...beautifully photographed food as well
here's another terrific one: check out the recipe archive (favorite food) on the right http://iheartbacon.com/recipes/. it's amazing: www.iheartbacon.com
I absolutely love "Chubby Hubby" (www.chubby hubby.net)- he lives in Singappre and has the most amazing photos, which he takes himself.
The Scent of Green Bananas (http://scentofgreenbananas.blogspot.com/)
and she also includes recipes!
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