for me, anthropologie has been spot on lately. i'm loving the sort of chunky earthy look their hardware is taking and i'm really loving the print by artist maxine sutton. too bad it's almost $300. least mav is hunting down some great affordable art at the guest blog for those of us not on $300 print budgets.
Labels: artwork
Regarding the Maxine Sutton art. The description on their site sounds more like an original, not a print. So $300 would be more in line. Tho I see that I could order as many as 20. So could be.
Which then brings to mind, who do I contact to be one of their vendors! :-)
i totally agree - especially in the most recent catalog, the home section looks fantastic. i have a sneaking suspicion they've hired the set designer who used to work for the FLOR catalog - it's the same gorgeous, unexpected juxtapositions of new & old.
i love love love that print too... immediately tore it out of the catalogue for safe keeping....
anthropologie has been spot on for me of late too.... and in terms of pricing that print seems reasonable compared to some of the furniture [yikes!]
i adore that print too. and i actually grabbed a few of those drawer pulls recently to use on a wood credenza. they are so so gorgeous!
I love that I'm seeing alot of really good textile, fibersy fine art and design. It really makes me optimisitic as a textiles major.
The Maxine Sutton artwork isn't a print. It's an identical reproduction of the artist's work...done in stitching and screen print on fabric. It's framed behind glass in a shadowbox. Just as an fyi...from a little birdie who knows. :-)
so it's not her work? is it a limited edition reproduction? i was hoping that for that cost is would have been done by maxine herself...bummer.
It is a limited edition reproduction...
All that, and a portion of your proceeds goes towards good ol' gay-bashing fun! Yes, one of the biggest contributors to Rick Santorum's election campaign is that corporation we all love to think of as indie and fun, Urban outfitters. Just google "santorum and urban outfitters."
let's consider this beaten horse DEAD. no offense but i'm so, so tired of the santorum thing.
we know, the ceo of the company donates to santorum. no, i don't think ANY of us like that, but there IS a difference between buying products produced by independent artists that happen to be sold at anthropologie and funding gay bashing. if you want to look up what some of our favorite companies' CEOs are doing you'll find you have to stop buying from A LOT of shops. that includes grocery stores, drugstores, malls and even restaurants and tv shows.
i agree, santorum is awful and oh how i wish anthropologie's CEO didn't donate to santorum, but i really think there's a big difference between buying an artist's print and funding gay bashing.
so, let's consider this opinion noted, for the like 4000th time.
I do love this piece by Maxine Sutton. I think I'm alright with thinking of it as art even though it is a mass-reproduced piece probably never touched by the artist--my only problem is what to do with the artist's "signature" label which seems tacked-on by a factory worker at an odd place in the middle of a field of color, lower right. In the photo, it is hidden strategically by a t.v. I guess I'll have to do the same--put it behind a potted plant? I love it anyway....
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