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biz lady meetup: update


happy holidays everyone! in the spirit of giving i thought i'd update the biz lady meetup on december 5 with a small twist. i thought it would be nice if those of us coming could help those who are less fortunate this season. so, if you're attending the biz lady meetup please bring along a canned good (or as many as you'd like) or non-perishable food item with you to dwr. i'll be collecting our donations and bringing them to city harvest the next day. i thought it would be really nice to give back in any way we could this season. hope to see you all there! [guidelines for city harvest donations are right here]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a flashback of your imitation of Jay-Z's "Bonnie and Clyde" chorus the other day and choked on my own saliva. Ahhaaaaa.
Miss you!

3:53 PM  
Blogger design*sponge said...


drop me a line you nut- where have you been? say hi to sarita and serene for me.


11:42 AM  
Blogger typographic darling said...

i'm interested in attending, but i'm not sure what kind of focus the biz lady meetup will take. i'm fresh out of school (well i guess not so fresh) and i'm still trying to figure out what i'm doing. but i am a graphic designer and we can be pretty fluid...

12:58 PM  
Blogger design*sponge said...

typographic darling-

this particular meeting's purpose is to have women who are running design based businesses meet other women doing the same thing (or who are in the beginning stages of starting their own businesses). the goal is to have everyone exchange cards and names, etc so that people can group up according to their speciality or neighborhood and create smaller groups to meet on a regular basis. i find these groups are extremely helpful when you're running your own business for the first time :)


-if you'd like to sign up please do so via email. thanks!

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea, I support such clever people.

8:14 AM  

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