kim family benefit
lisa, stephanie and gerrie are setting up a wonderful online auction to benefit the kim family of doe. it's such a thoughtful idea and a wonderful way to contribute to a good cause. there will be over 40 different artists contributing to the auction items in a wide range of media. you'll find paintings, prints, ceramics, soft toys, jewelery, paper goods, home decor and more. 100% of the auction proceeds will go to the kim family fund. bidding begins january 3rd and ends january 7th. click here for a preview of the auction items in the coming weeks.
In the face of tragedy, it's amazing to see how much the design & crafting community pulls together to help each other, even if they've never even met them. While this ordeal has broke my heart, I've never seen such a more lovely outpouring of support before. I hope it raises Kati's spirits if even just a tiny bit.
thanks so much for posting about the auction! it's actually my sister lisa, myself, and our mother gerrie congdon who are hosting the auction.
I followed the story very closely and was devastated by the sad news. But why do these people need money exactly? They were driving across country to a luxury hotel in their Saab... and he had a senior position at a good company. As well it appears his father was a business person as well. I think they're probably going to be just fine financially... shouldn't we be raising money for foodbanks or homelessness at this time of year?
what a lovely idea. i'll definitely be contributing :)
someone was left without a father and husband. if you want to get technical someone will be supporting two children on her own. that's why we're raising money. though why anyone would choose to make a comment like that when you could simply say nothing at all boggles me.
Why say something? Because a lot of research shows that giving to charity is a zero-sum game, so when people donate to a cause like this they feel they've done what they need for the year.
Don't think I'm cold-hearted, because I was left a half-orphan too at an early age, so my mother was a single parent raising three kids. But like the Kims we were decently well-off.
I'm not saying don't do something for the Kims, I think it's great that you are; it's just that maybe the $ could be donated to one of their favourite causes, or a scholarship in memory of Mr. Kim.
Anyway don't feel that you have to publish this comment as I wouldn't want to see this thread turn into a debate on this issue, but I did want to respond.
It's a tacky comment, Maddy. Have a heart. Someone lost their life, it's not the time for some political comment on when and where to donate. Have some respect.
<-- Shocked
Maddy, I donated to the Kims and I also have automatic monthly donations to two charities that are taken directly out of my checking account. I don't think people that are touched by one incident close their eyes to other suffering and personally I think donating to charity is contagious.
Maddy, instead of telling people where they *shouldn't* focus their time, energy and money, who don't you spend your time, energy and money donating to a cause that has touched or affected you?
perhas you already do this. if so, then cheers to you. but i believe that your time, and ours to, is better spent helping other than telling others why they shouldn't help.
of course, this is neverminding the assumptions that you've made about Kati and her financial situation, which you clearly know nothing about.
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