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d*s letterpress guide

i apologize for the delay in getting this out- after weeks of collecting information the d*s letterpress guide is up! the guide is meant to be searched by the following categories: city, state, custom work, pre-made work and e-commerce. so, just click on the drop down menu on the top left and you can find a letterpress studio near you for all your letterpress needs [you can read the site from top to bottom but it's most helpful if you arrange the entries by category]. the following information is provided for each studio:
  • website
  • location (city and state)
  • services offered (custom or pre-made work)
  • average pricing for custom or pre-made work
  • e-commerce availability
  • any notable extras like poster production or use of eco-friendly materials
i say the list is a working list because blogger is being finicky this morning and wouldn't let me upload my last 30 studios. i'm working on it and will of course add to the list as we go along. some of the biggies are missing so don't fret, they'll be there soon. don't see a studio you think should be there? shoot me an email and i'll review their site for the guide. also, there's a link to a short piece on the history of letterpress if you're curious about the process and its origins. every week i'll feature a different studio on the left hand side of the site- this week it's pancake and franks from san francisco, ca. hope you enjoy!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

so lovely! and thrilled to be included...have I told you my mom is the most avid D*S reader, by the way? She's a huge fan. and one more thing, the sneak peeks are great!

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh woman!!!!
you have done a tone of work.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

Wow, cool! It's really extensive - a great start. I might send you one of two additional ones.

1:05 PM  
Blogger design*sponge said...

thanks guys :)

i wanted to launch with about 30 more studios but blogger is being a pain right now. hopefully i can get the rest up overnight. am always open to new studios, too!


1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this great resource! I'm a new owner of a Golding Pearl that dates 1888 and this will be so helpful for me in terms of pricing.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this guide! I make block prints that I approach like letterpress, so your guide provides instant inspiration. I like the sneak peeks, too--it's nice to see what real people do with their spaces (and they have been inspiring me to cut through some clutter and reorganize my rooms).

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

d*s...i am floored...this is just great! am so looking forward to being a letterpress tourist...:)...
best wishes,

1:23 PM  
Blogger angie said...

oooh, thanks for that!

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is awesome grace! great job;)

3:14 PM  
Blogger Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

I wish I had seen this before I did my wedding invitations, it is a lot of work sorting through all this!

3:52 PM  
Blogger Vajra said...

Thank you, D*S! What a lot of goodies in one place.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Alicia said...

These are all wonderful. Thanks for all your hard work!

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


When I chose a few of the Cities from the drop down menu, I was sent to Bloesem and Port 2 Port instead. Could be you still have old links in the code? Or maybe it was just me?

12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can i find the letterpress number "5" print shown in the picture?

10:05 AM  
Blogger design*sponge said...

That print was by Maria of Port2PortPress.com. It was part of a limited edition run she did for the D*S Shop in October. I'm afraid it's since sold out.


10:07 AM  
Blogger Jan Halvarson said...

wow - this is really a great resource grace - great job!

2:28 AM  

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