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port2port press

mav has a fabulous new series of cards out today. beautiful florals and a series created with camilla engman. they're too cute for words and are available right here and here (camilla cards) for purchase.

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Blogger linds said...

i love the mav uses real flowers and leaves to create the press--it gives the prints so much energy and character, since each one has a little story behind it.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Anna Spiro said...

Thank you so much for posting these. I just bought 6 packs of the pink and yellow flower cards which I am going to use as my 30th Birthday invites later this year. Thanks for introducing them to me!! I have been looking out for a while now and nothing has caught my eye but these are perfect!! Thanks again!!

5:41 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

Very cute and cheerful :) I love the cat & bird.

3:05 AM  

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